Vor Kurzem schickte uns Schwester Piusha, die Leiterin des von unserer Schule unterstützten Indischen Waisenhauses, einige Fotos und einen Bericht über ihre Arbeit. Mit über 5000 € konnte unsere Schule im letzten Jahr zwei Waisenhäuser in Marthandam/Indien unterstützen. Das Geld wurde für Ernährung, Bekleidung, medizinische Versorgung, Schulmaterialien und vor allen Dingen eine gute Ausbildung der dort lebenden Mädchen gebraucht. Schwester Piusha bedankt sich mit einem Brief bei allen, die mit dazu beigetragen haben!
Hier einige Fotos aus Indien:
Christmas Celebration
Happy Pongal (Tamilisches Erntedankfest im Januar)
At Vimala Orphanage and Sanjo Children’s homes are getting support from Kinder mission and some well wishers. On 2017 March all the children who wrote10th and 12th grades exams passed with good Marks. On 7th of June school re-opened and classes started. This year 24 new children are admitted here and studying in different grades in the school. As usual they are having training for English coaching, computer, tailoring, dance and music in the weekends and holidays. They are also participating in sports and Cultural programs in the school and district level.
Every month the children are having medical checkup and counseling for their physical and mental health. They are having daily prayers and weekly prayer meeting and yearly retreat for their spiritual growth. It helps very much to solve problems in their life. They have self confidence and courage to do the activities.
The money which we are getting from kinder mission are using for the education and other needs of the children. Your support is very much helping to have a good education in their life. We thank you and all the sponsors for their valuable support. All the children are praying for you and for your families. May our Good Lord reward you abundantly with His blessings.